Monday, December 12, 2016


As I sat in my car in downtown Dallas preparing for my upcoming interview I received an email from my dream company in San Fran. I had applied for this prestigious internship program over the summer and they had just emailed me back saying they had an opening and that they would love to interview me… all I had to do was complete a video challenge and design a chip bag to be considered. I couldn’t believe it! I was about to go interview for a job that I really didn’t want in a city I didn’t want to be in and my dream company emails me! OMG! As I interviewed for the job in Dallas all I could think about was moving back to San Fran and working at this company. That night I worked on the chip bag design and came up with my video idea. The following day I had an interview lined up with the company in SF and a job offer from the Dallas agency. I had to decide if I was going to take a leap of faith and go after my dream job with the possibility of not getting it or accept an offer I wasn’t thrilled about. I believe the universe sends you signs and this was one that just happened to pop up at the ideal moment that was screaming at me in bright red neon saying “YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE RISKY PATH IN LIFE TO GET TO WHERE YOU WANT TO BE! YOU HAVE WORKED YOUR ASS OFF FOR THIS… THIS IS IT!  JUMP OFF THE CLIFF.”  So I turned down the job in Dallas. My mother and the rest of my family think I am insane but I feel like I have to follow my heart. Even if SF doesn’t workout I know something eventually will. The universe has a path for me so I have to just have faith that it will all workout. BTW... if I did happen to get this job, I would NOT, by any means, get back together with the Colombian copywriter. That ship has sailed.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I finally got a shinny glimmer of hope for a job. I heard back from 2 advertising agencies in Dallas! REPEAT… not one but TWO! Both companies are really cool but they both have some downsides to them. First off, they are located in Dallas. Dallas is where the rich snobby people of Texas go to die. Dallas isn’t fun or hip. Dallas has nothing to do in the city but go shopping. Although I love to shop, I also love being outdoors on the water. The agencies also don’t create award-winning work or pay you enough to live in the crappy city of Dallas. Regardless I am going up there to check them out to see what they will offer me. Plus, I am hoping this trip will change my mind about the city of Dallas.. I am going to remain positive and open to any new experiences. Maybe it will surprise me.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Real talk.. this night was sooo needed. I have been so cooped up at my mom’s house recently that a night out on the town was just what the doctor ordered. I let my hair down, I took shots, I shook my booty, and most importantly.. I laughed with my friends.  I finally feel like I am pulling myself out of the deep end. I could actually breath. I wish I could just go back to college and be 'me' again. The realization of my last breakup and the pressure I am constantly putting on myself to find a job hits me in waves. One moment I am feeling like the old confident me, and then the next minute I am a shell of a woman, crying hysterically on the kitchen floor. I am so tired of feeling so broken.  I need more nights out with my girls. Friends are definitely the best medicine to cure a broken heart. I am so glad that I have such an amazing support group. =)